It is usually better to use Overload Burst to chain electricity to nearby objects to quickly see which, if any, can accept a charge from Cole and be used as a temporary power source.

If you reach him a little later, then the screen will go gray with the death music, but the mission will still end, and the same thing happens, albeit much slower. From there, Zeke and Cole will engage in their normal conversation, but Zeke will be standing on the other side of the street, though his voice can be heard talking.

There is a glitch in the mission " The Escape," in which the player can perform by continuously jumping to the left of the blinking LED light.At the end of the mission involving the electricians, if you kill the electrician near the end of the mission he will still talk to you and his mouth will move, but he won't run off.During The Truth in the final fight with Kessler, sometimes when rapidly tapping square to defeat him, the game will not recognize that you are pressing any buttons and thus, it is impossible to beat the game.During The Escape, if you stay at the beginning and fire at a cop, it can send you to the Karmic Choice scene.
WARNING: this glitch may cause your PS3 to freeze, and other consequences have not been investigated. After this conversation you can save, and reloading will load you into the Warren. If you make it to Sasha's area and kill yourself, Moya will begin a conversation with you as if you killed Sasha. If you do this during Dinner with Sasha once you've opened the gate on the side, you'll find no enemies inside.

What follows is a list of glitches within Infamous. 3.4 Revisit Abigail's boss fight location.

3.3 Revisit Augustine boss fight location.